The Huntsville Fiber Guild

Equipment Shed

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Guild equipment for members to rent for a very modest fee!

Due to the Guild's past experiences with equipment, we decided to use the following guidelines in the hopes that this equipment will be used, enjoyed, and returned for the next member - to try out a new skill, to do a little teaching, or to use in demonstrations.

1. Borrower must be a current Guild member.

2. Borrower must leave a refundable deposit that is 25-50% of the replacement cost. Waiver of the deposit can be granted by the Board (for example, in the case of financial hardship).

3. Borrower agrees to a modest ($5) quarterly rent.

4. Guild agrees that borrower will be reimbursed for pre-approved repair costs for any equipment.

Equipment includes:

Peacock looms (12" table top student looms)

Small tapestry looms

LeClerc rigid heddle looms

Inkle looms

Spinning wheels

Hot plates

Supplies: Yarns and basketry reeds of various types and conditions